Since 2013, Healthy Drops products emphasize in disease prevention and health promotion. Healthy Drops achieves this through focusing on daily essential nutrients, detoxification, digestive repair, and immune system balance. We have over 100 different liposomal products. From Blushwood Berries, Graviola, Glutathione, Vitamin B Complex, Curcumin... Look at this entire page. All the products are made to order the same day and good for 2 years. We ship to Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and many other countries.
We do not use any Chinese sourced raw materials due to heavy metals in the soil.
Many orally consumed nutrients are poorly absorbed by the body. However, using liposomal technology, the nutrients are encapsulated in tiny lipid packets (liposomes), allowing them to pass through the digestive system undiminished; resulting in increased absorption up to 98% rate. Our Liposomal products have the smallest encapsulation of particles meaning it is the most highly bio-available and potency.
Prices as low as $29.90. We ship international. All Healthy Drops products do not have any Soy, non GMO and are 100% Organic. Free Shipping is given when using Zelle or Cashapp. Please call us at 321 223.6058 or email us for details (only apply to USA). We have over 3,100 positve feedbacks on eBay under the user name HEALTHYDROPS. Also, Under Google Reviews, we have 5 Stars our of 5 Stars. Cick Here.
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